Peach Jane


One of my first Esterita Austin (see type portraits was "Peach” Jane (March 2012), but it was revised in May 2015 as I have now learned to do eyes, lips and teeth.  I used peach colored commercial print batiks fabrics from the online fabric store SewBatiks (see  Working with these fabrics was challenging!  These fabrics can look quite natural, especially compared with later portraits made with quite bold unconventional facial fabric.  

I made the pattern for this portrait from a photograph, but used a “ posterized” photo to help me understand from which direction the light reflected off my face.   At the time I made this pattern, I did not know anything about bone structure in the face.  I have put a couple of close up photos of the final “revised"portrait  below.  I painted the iris of the eyes a lighter blue to help make them more alive!  My eyes are not that light, but, they are also not as dark as they appear in the original photograph or the original portrait!

Peach Jane - Version 2***

Original Peach Jane with lips and teeth Unpainted!


The Revised Peach Jane


Making the Pattern for Peach Jane


Painting the Revised Peach Jane


Close up



                                                                            © jane dong  2012